Triple Bill: Fragments – Retro – I Woke Up a Sweaty Human – شظايا + هذيان ممزق

Fragments (Tunisia) : When the body becomes a mechanical object, no matter how sensual and sentimental it may be, it yearns for the eternal pursuit of the other and the permanent comfort. When it embraces fury, the wanderings of the soul become an echo chamber. The body’s immediate relapse allows it to find the grounding it has long sought and hoped for. The fragments of the body are revealed, gradually recounting a personal story, and are reassembled to be offered to the self, the other, and to being.

I Woke Up a Sweaty Human (Egypt) : I Woke Up a Sweaty Human is an audio-visual performance where Dalia Khalifa moves against a backdrop with a life-size sweaty avatar of herself. It raises questions about the boundaries between human bodies and digital representations, particularly focusing on themes of sweat and fluidity. The performance ties into Khalifa’s research on sweat as a socio-political and paradoxical condition, in relation to Lebanon’s economic crisis. It also touches on concepts from hydrofeminism, such as porosity, micro-climates and leakages. Through her choreography, Dalia draws from her bodily archive to examine where the body goes when in extreme states of being, such as ecstasy, abjection, microaggressions, and stillness.

The project originated from a cross-collaboration with Mark Hamilton, who crafted the technology behind the artistic experience.  

Retro (Lebanon) : What does it mean to be authentic? Retro-Rave explores human emotions, actions that range from suffering and sadness to joy, inaction and sometimes hysteria.The performance is an audio-visual collage that takes the audience through a journey of different sounds influenced by different periods and the spirit of the past. By narrating instances of feelings that lead to physical and psychological changes that affect behaviours and the feelings that arise in your room, body and thoughts during solitary moments, the performance attempts to capture a psychological state and its expression.

شظايا : عندما يصبح الجسد أداة ميكانيكية، دون اعتبار للمشاعر أو الحس الذي يحمله. في رحلة مستمرة عن الآخر والراحة الدائمة

عندما يحمل الجسد الغضب وعجائب الروح التي تصبح غرفة صدى. فيكون أول رد فعل للجسد هو السماح لها بإيجاد الأرضية التي بحثت عنها وتمنتها. شظايا الجسد انكشفت وبالتدريج تُروي قصة شخصية يعاد تجميعها لتُقدم للذات والآخر والكينونة.

هذيان ممزق : ماذا يعني أن تكون حقيقيـًا؟ عرض ريترو- هذيان ممزق  يستكشف المشاعر الإنسانية والأفعال التي تتراوح ما بين المعاناة والحزن إلى السعادة، وحالة اللافعل وأحيانـًا حالة الهستيريا

العرض ينتمي لعالم الكولاج السمعي البصري الذي يأخذ الجمهور في رحلة لعوالم أصوات مختلفة متأثرة بروح الماضي. 

يسرد العرض أمثلة للمشاعر التي تؤدي بنا لتغيرات حسية ونفسية تؤثر على سلوكياتنا ومشاعرنا داخل أجسادنا وأفكارنا في أوقات العزلة. يحاول العرض أن يلتقط هذه الحالة النفسية ويعبر عنها.

Event Details
Zaid Sajdi
Sound Designer
Mark Hamilton
Technology and mostion capture
Dalia Khalife
Director - Performer - Set Designer
Kays Rosto
Fatma Ali
Ezzat Ismail
Esraa El-Assal
Costume Designer
Ahmed Ghareeb
Choreographer - Performer
Sabri Atrous
Light Designer
Abdelhamid Falfoul
Set Designer
Oumaima Bahri
Director - Performer
7 November
Event Details

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