Studio Emad Eddin

18 Emad Eddin Street Downtown, Cairo

Venue Details
  • Address
    18 Emad Eddin Street, Downtown, Cairo
Venue Details
  • Address
    18 Emad Eddin Street, Downtown, Cairo
Events of the Venue
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November 6, 2024
6:00 pm
This workshop invites participants to explore their bodies and voices as unique instruments of artistic expression. Participants will be guided through a variety of exercises, encouraging them to complete different tasks to help discover their own unique instrument–voice and body...
November 5, 2024
6:00 pm
How do we create text material for the stage? This workshop will discuss the relationship between topics, content material and the text that is created for a performance. What topics and issues are relevant and in what form and language...
November 5, 2024
6:00 pm
Practices of Empathy researches capacities and limits of radical empathy through choreographic practices deriving from authentic movement. It is an invitation to create understanding and mutual support through art and dance, in response to contemporary political and social challenges. The...