A dance for one man, one table, one chair, one light and one sound. 
A half-naked body and its groping way across the table top, illuminated by a single light bulb, surrounded by an unknown universe that speaks to us with the urgency of a Francis Bacon painting about man’s fundamental position in the world. Inspired by Franz Kafka’s novel The Metamorphosis, INSECTUM K explores the fragility, transience and unpredictability of existence.

رقصة لرجل واحد وطاولة واحدة ومقعد واحد وضوء واحد وصوت واحد.جسد نصف عارٍ يتلمس طريقه على سطح الطاولة، مضاء بمصباح كهربائي واحد، محاط بكون مجهول يخاطبنا بإلحاح لوحة لفرانسيس بيكون عن وضع الإنسان الأساسي في العالم. يستكشف عرض “ديربروك”، المستوحى من رواية “التحول” لفرانز كافكا، هشاشة الوجود وسرعة زواله وعدم القدرة على التنبؤ به.

تفاصيل الفعالية
Lukáš Benda
Technical Support
Jan Komárek
Director - Design - Sound
Jan Komárek is a Czech theatre director, lighting designer and musician. In the 1980s, he worked as an apprentice in the puppet theatre DRAK in Hradec Králové. He then emigrated to France, where he founded the puppet theatre Mimo Theatre. After moving to Toronto, Canada, he founded the art and movement theatre Sound Image Theatre and received several prestigious Dora Mavor Moore awards for his work. In 1989, he came to Czechoslovakia on tour with the Canadian production Music. Subsequent works include Metamorphosis of a Shadow (a performance composed of fragments of Kafka's short stories), Narcisse en silence, Memento mori, Crime and Punishment (for the Czech company NANOHACH) and Awakening the Genius Loci. Komárek received the 2011 Czech Personality of the Year Award and the 2010 Best Lighting Design Award.
Honza Malik
Actor - Producer
تفاصيل الفعالية

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